NAB Calls for Speakers and Proposals for 2011 Trade Show

WASHINGTON: The National Association of Broadcasters is now accepting presentation and session proposals for the 2011 NAB Show, scheduled for April 9-14 in Las Vegas. To be considered, proposals must be submitted before Oct. 22, 2010, the designated entry deadline. They must also focus on topics relevant to the creation and distribution of electronic media content or discuss emerging technologies and trends in the electronic media industry.

Technical paper proposals submitted for the 65th annual Broadcast Engineering Conference should address opportunities and challenges faced by broadcast engineering professionals around the world. Entries must explain what those attending can expect to learn from the paper. It cannot be a sales pitch, and should be no more than 200 words in length.

The Military and Government Summit is now accepting speaking proposals and keynote speakers. The intent of the summit is to convey how commercial technology can be applied to military and government applications. Non-government attendees will also have the opportunity todo business with various sectors of the military.

Technology, broadcast and media executives are invited to submit a conference proposal covering topics related to technologies for media and entertainment, broadcast management, the business of media, or content creation, distribution and commerce. NAB Show attendees seek out speakers to draw on their expertise and share their insights on current and future trends in the media and content communities, as well as examine the impact of new technologies on existing business models.

Submission information is available at the NAB Show’s “Call for Speakers” page.