NAB Lobbie$ More in 2010
WASHINGTON: NAB’s spending on federal lobbying continues to outpace last year’s. The National Association of Broadcasters spent $3.4 million in the third quarter, according to its latest report to Congress, compared to $1.98 million in last year’s 3Q.
Through the first nine months of the year, according to Radio World’s tabulation of figures reported to Congress, NAB has reported just under $10 million in lobbying outlay. That compares to $7.8 million for the same nine months of last year. In radio, NAB said its third-quarter lobbying issues included the Performance Rights Act, radio receiver chips in mobile phones, possible legislative rewrites of the Telecom Act and the Local Community Radio Act.
Big issues also included spectrum allocation, retransmission consent, the CALM act and various advertising legislation and issues. NAB officials typically lobby legislators as well as officials at the FCC, FEMA, FTC, the National Economic Council and other agencies.-- from Radio World
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