NAB Show New York Exhibitor Insight: Riedel Communications

Rick Seegull
Rick Seegull (Image credit: Riedel Communications)

TV TECH: What do you anticipate will be the most significant technology trends at the 2024 NAB Show New York?

RICK SEEGULL: Key technology trends will continue to focus on remote production, including REMI and cloud solutions, and other products and workflows that enhance efficiency for broadcasters and live productions. These efficiencies empower our customers to make informed decisions at their own pace. A notable example is the transition to IP with HorizoN, allowing our customers to integrate IP components into their systems gradually and when they feel comfortable.

TVT: What will be your most important product news?

SEEGULL: Coming off of IBC, one key announcement is the launch of VSP (Virtual SmartPanel), designed for large networks, news outlets and sports broadcasters that require flexibility in managing lots of live, dynamic events. VSP allows remote production teams to choose their devices—phone, tablet or computer—without being restricted to a single device, enabling seamless access whether they are in the office or on-site. Built on a server-based infrastructure, VSP incorporates standard IT security measures, including single sign on (SSO) OpenID Connect and identity providers like MyID, Okta, and Active Directory, ensuring secure communications during remote productions.

We are introducing the SAME (Smart Audio & Mixing Engine) platform, which is an ultra-low latency audio processing software that automates over 30 processing tools and network plug-ins, providing instant access to all active productions. By streamlining redundant and non-critical tasks, such as voiceover booths and downmixing 5.1 to stereo for headphone feeds, SAME allows audio engineers to focus on the creative aspects of mixing. We believe this innovation will revolutionalize the broadcast audio landscape with unparalleled workflow automation flexibility.

Additionally, the Simplylive Production Suite will demonstrate live switching and replay with multiple users. RiMotion and RiCapture will display their innovative workflows and flexible architecture that have made a significant impact in the industry.

MediorNet HorizoN, which we showed at NAB Show, is now shipping! This high-density processing conversion platform integrates SDI and IP workflows allowing customers to transition to IP at their own pace without being forced into changes they’re not ready for. They can gradually adopt IP as their needs evolve.

Finally, the long awaited integration of Bolero and PunQtum will be on display.

TVT: How is your new product different from what’s available on the market?

SEEGULL: The VSP was designed from the ground up, rather than taking something we had and forcing it into today’s types of workflows. VSP was designed from the start with security in mind, and is orchestrated for longevity, taking into consideration all of the security needs that are currently out there and continuously evolving. 

SAME is a completely new platform for us. SAME Audio Pilot allows one engineer to monitor multiple jobs at a single time. It isolates the creative processes from the monotonous and tedious routine functions, which can be automated and now just monitored. SAME consolidates all functions onto one screen, enabling one audio engineer to manage multiple shows at once.

TVT: What is it about NAB Show New York that brings you back every year? 

SEEGULL: NAB Show New York provides an excellent opportunity to connect with East Coast customers and those who couldn’t attend NAB Show or IBC. It allows us to reintroduce products showcased at those events in a more relaxed setting, giving us ample time to discuss details. Additionally, being held towards the end of the year, NAB Show New York enables us to engage with customers about their goals for the upcoming year, ensuring we’re well-prepared to support them.