NAB Show Now Accepting Technical Paper and Panel Proposals

NAB Show
(Image credit: NAB Show)

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The 2022 NAB Show has issued a call for technical papers and panel proposals for the Broadcast Engineering and Information Technology (BEIT) track of the NAB Show Conference, held at the 2022 NAB Show in Las Vegas. 

BEIT, which runs from April 24 to 26, is designed for broadcast engineers and technicians, contract engineers, broadcast equipment manufacturers, distributors, engineering consultants, R&D engineers, IT professionals and related media technologists, the NAB said. 

The program features technical papers addressing the latest opportunities, challenges and solutions facing broadcast engineering and media industry IT professionals around the world.

In issuing the call for proposals, the NAB Show organizers said they are looking for presenters with fresh ideas and unique perspectives on key trends and technologies driving the future of radio, television and general media creation and delivery. 

All paper and panel proposals should be submitted online through the 2022 BEIT Call for Papers and Panels portal.

Proposals are subject to peer review, and those featuring original research or highly regarded speakers receive most favorable consideration, the organizers said. 

They also noted that all content proposed should be presented in a tutorial, non-promotional form. Proposals overtly promoting company products or services will not be accepted, although proposals explaining the underlying technologies used in broadcast products or services may be considered.

The deadline for BEIT paper and panel proposals is January 14, 2022. Proposals selected for inclusion in the 2022 BEIT program will be announced in February 2022. 

Additional information and forms for submitting a proposal can be found here

George Winslow

George Winslow is the senior content producer for TV Tech. He has written about the television, media and technology industries for nearly 30 years for such publications as Broadcasting & Cable, Multichannel News and TV Tech. Over the years, he has edited a number of magazines, including Multichannel News International and World Screen, and moderated panels at such major industry events as NAB and MIP TV. He has published two books and dozens of encyclopedia articles on such subjects as the media, New York City history and economics.