NAB2004 expected to set new association record for international delegations
The National Association of Broadcasters has announced that a record 58 international delegations are scheduled to attend NAB2004.
At NAB2003, nearly 19,000 attendees representing more than 134 countries came from foreign shores, and at least that many international attendees are expected at NAB2004.
Many of the foreign delegations attend NAB's spring convention through NAB's continuing partnership with the Department of Commerce (DOC), known as the International Buyer Program. The NAB spring convention is one of the few U.S. trade shows that the DOC chooses to work with every year.
At NAB2003, nearly 19,000 attendees representing more than 134 countries came from foreign shores, and at least that many international attendees are expected at NAB2004.
International delegations are organized by embassies or companies to manage the logistics for obtaining visas, hotel rooms, travel and registration. In addition some delegations will arrange translations of select sessions for their attendees. Most delegations are open to anyone who applies.
In addition to a strong presence of international attendees, the exhibit floor for NAB2004 will house more than 300 international exhibitors. Companies will showcase cutting edge technology and services for the electronic media industry in each area of the exhibit floor: TV/Video/Film, MultiMedia/Internet, Mobile Media, Radio/Audio, Satellite & Broadcast Technologies and RTNDA.
Fifty of these companies will be featured in four international pavilions: Korean Pavilion, U.K./U.S. Partners Pavilion, Electronic Exporters Group (UK) and the Bavarian Pavilion.
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