@NetHome deploys P-Cube’s Engage solution for cable IP service control

@NetHome has selected and deployed P-Cube's Engage solution as a core component of its high-speed cable data network. The Engage solution was chosen and deployed following extensive lab and field-trial evaluation, testing the solution’s functionality, scalability, flexibility, and reliability. @NetHome is using Engage to optimize traffic on its network, provide a more consistent high-speed data experience to its subscriber base, and achieve a more intelligent network for advanced services and management.

P-Cube’s Engage solution enables service providers to precisely control bandwidth at the user and application level. Engage provides a comprehensive solution to manage these applications, including P2P, in numerous ways, including upstream / downstream limits, user consumption quotas, and time of day qualification criteria.

P-Cube, the originator of programmable IP Service Control Platforms, performed the trial for @NetHome with Mitsubishi Corporation, P-Cube’s local solution distributor. Leveraging the traffic classification and control capabilities of Engage, @NetHome was able to tailor network inspection and control policies to match their needs and objectives.

@NetHome is in the process of studying intelligent network management for advanced future services (such as VoIP and VOD) using extensive deployments of P-Cube solutions.

For more information about P-Cube please visit www.p-cube.com.

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