New European transmission center features Omneon servers

Ascent Media’s new European Transmission Centre (ETC), located in
London, has integrated two Omneon Spectrum media server systems for the playout of as many as 32 channels. Among the Ascent Media clients served by the facility are Sony Pictures Television International, Info TV and Teachers TV.

The ETC offers clients continuous broadcast and support services in a tapeless, multichannel environment. Services run the gamut from voice-over to duplication and editing. The standard per-channel offering includes broadcast monitoring, A/V level control and up to 48 hours of digitally stored content. Currently, the two Spectrum server systems each deliver eight playout channels, with a ninth for preview, in a main and back-up configuration. The servers are controlled by Pro-Bel Morpheus automation and incorporate Miranda Imagestore presentation graphics.

ETC is the first phase in a long-term Ascent Media project. Ultimately, the project’s goal is to deliver a linear pricing model for channel expansion and to achieve the versatility to meet clients’ changing budgetary and technical needs. Through flexibility in configuration and reliable performance, the new Omneon Spectrum systems will help Ascent Media meet that project goal.

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