News10/Sacramento “Beats The Traffic” With Cutting Edge Technology

News10/Sacramento is about to debut the most innovative traffic tool the market has ever seen called “Beat the Traffic”. “Beat the Traffic” is cutting edge 3-D traffic displays that offer the viewer a look at traffic from a completely different angle.

News10 chose this ground-breaking technology because it showcases the geography of the roadways in a way that hasn’t been done by giving the viewer a realistic look at traffic. Colored arrows on surface streets as well as major highways will show speed and travel times. One of the most exciting things “Beat the Traffic” will provide is travel forecasting. The system computes historical traffic information and will predict how long it will take to arrive at a destination. Travel forecasting can tell you what time on a Friday before a major holiday that traffic will start backing up! This will help viewers save time when planning events and trips.

“Our entire traffic report system just got better and our viewers and online users will benefit”, stated Russell Postell, News10 President and General Manager. “News10 is the leader in online and on-air traffic reporting and “Beat the Traffic” keeps us ahead of the game and provides our viewers with real time tools and graphical displays to help them navigate their daily commute”.

News10’s current comprehensive traffic reporting system called “Traffic on Demand” will now have even more content to provide to the viewer. Along with our Traffic on Demand Webcasts, 24/7 road coverage, Air10 helicopter reports, and our traffic team expertise, News10 will be the place to go for Traffic on Demand information with the addition of this new technology.

“Beat the Traffic” will debut on “News10 Good Morning” on Monday, August 22.