Newtek ships new TriCaster models

Newtek has begun shipping its new TriCaster models, the next generation of the popular webcasting production system used by sports organizations. The TriCaster STUDIO, TriCaster PRO and TriCaster models have been upgraded.

The models now allow MPEG-2 format recording during live shows, which allows the file to be used on any editing system. They also offer performance improvements and support for a new line of accessories including: LiveControl, TimeWarp, LiveText and DataLink.

The new TriCaster accessories allow users the flexibility to work independently or expand their production team by offering a range of new capabilities. LiveControl provides a physical control surface that allows for transition between sources without the use of a keyboard or mouse. TimeWarp provides the ability to assign a dedicated operator for incorporating slow motion and replay in live production.

LiveText allows a dedicated graphics operator to use a remote laptop for preproduction of title pages, scrolls and crawls or for updates on the fly during live production. DataLink provides compatibility with external sources for real-time updates of title pages including information from scoreboards and databases.

TriCaster STUDIO and TriCaster PRO also now have Adobe Flash streaming and archiving ability, and Newtek’s LiveSet technology for network-style virtual sets has been added to TriCaster PRO. Both TriCaster PRO and TriCaster now offer switching support for both 16:9 and 4:3 video for greater flexibility in live production along with SpeedEDIT-based nonlinear editing for expanded pre- and post-production capabilities.

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