Omneon unveils Media Services Framework

At NAB, Omneon introduced the Media Services Framework (MSF), an integrated Web services platform that creates a single overriding API that makes it easy for automation, asset management system and device control suppliers to control and automate manual processes within file-based workflows.

During system set up, individual device API instructions remain intact, while the separate MSF layer is created by Omneon to smooth third-party integration and provide unified content management capabilities across server and storage systems.

The MSF enables a common view into content that may be stored across multiple file systems, while allowing partner applications to manage complex workflows more easily through a single programming interface.

Based on the principles of Service Orientated Architecture (SOA), the MSF platform simplifies application interfaces, encapsulating and exposing key functionality of existing Omneon APIs and open protocols — searching file systems, transferring files, managing metadata and manipulating media.

At the same time, the platform can be used to quickly and easily generate proxies, transcode media and manage content delivery with very little human intervention. It also provides a system database for tracking content and storing rules and metadata, and a messaging bus for ease of integration.

Besides supporting the functionality of all Omneon products, the MSF and underlying infrastructure is inherently extensible and may be enhanced and extended to provide an integration platform for any media-centric workflow application or hardware system. This ensures that the MSF is also future-proof because it allows users to modify the publication of these services (using REST or SOAP) to accommodate emerging standards.

The idea is already catching on. Software vendors that have announced support for the MSF include: Blue Order, Crispin, Dalet Systems, Front Porch Digital, IBIS, Masstech Group, Medit Profi, Pebble Beach Systems, Pharos Communications, Pro-Bel, Screen Subtitling Systems, Softel, Solutions for Media, Telestream, TransMedia Dynamics and Vizrt.

For more information, visit

View Omneon's ProCast CDN at NAB2008.