OmniBus and Miranda offer enhanced automation control

OmniBus Systems and Miranda Technologies will coordinate their automation and graphics systems delivered by the Presmaster Enhanced Device Service to allow broadcasters to bring sophisticated and complex secondary event sequences to air simply and give the programming a unique, memorable look. Their efforts include enhanced automation control of the Miranda Presmaster 2 master control switcher and Imagestore channel branding graphics processors by OmniBus’ multichannel automation solutions, including its Colossus automation suite.

OmniBus control of the combined Presmaster/Imagestore master control and branding graphics systems relies on an advanced protocol via a single connection for frame-accurate control of up to four channels. Users can schedule multiple secondary playout events for channel branding, text overlays, voice-overs and sophisticated graphics in traffic across multiple channels and deliver it seamlessly via OmniBus’ Schedule Import Protocol.

The capabilities of the Presmaster/Imagestore include fixed and animated logos, stills recall, A/B mixing, DVE sequence recall, Easyplay audio clips, virtual GPIs, DTMF tone triggering, and Easytext dynamic text insertion. Among the shared clients implementing this new control solution are Discovery Channel, Crawford Communications, Connecticut Public TV and Ascent Media.

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