Online to surpass network TV as top news source in five years, poll says
In five years, online news and information sites will become the top new source for news consumers in the United States, France, Italy and Spain, and will be tied for first in Australia, according to a Harris Poll conducted online by Harris Interactive.
While online news sources will unseat network TV news from the top spot it enjoys today in those four countries, network TV news will remain the top source for adult news consumers in Great Britain and Germany, the poll found.
The poll, released June 11, found that many consumers gathered their news from online sources. Half of adults in Germany and Australia as well as more than half of French (54 percent), U.S. (56 percent) and Spanish adults (58 percent) access online news and information sites at least once a day. In Italy, 74 percent access online news sites at least once a day.
In Great Britain, 31 percent of British adults do not access online news sites with any regularity and an additional 28 percent of them only access them about once a week.
Harris Interactive polled a total of 8749 adults in France (1134); Germany (1133); Great Britain (1006); Italy (1122); Spain (995); Australia (976); and the United States (2383), between May 2 and May 14.
"What are your sources for news and information today?"
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Base: All EU adults in five countries, U.S. adults and Australian adults
United States Great Britain France Italy Spain Germany Australia % % % % % % % TV Network News 25 36 29 30 22 28 35 Online news and information sites 18 14 17 22 18 16 18 Cable network news 14 2 9 5 7 7 3 Radio 12 16 2 11 16 18 17 Major Daily Newspapers 12 6 7 6 13 13 12 Local community newspapers 8 6 3 7 3 4 6 Magazines 4 3 5 5 4 5 3 National Daily Newspapers 3 11 6 8 12 5 5 School & work newsletters 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Other sources 3 2 3 3 2 3 1 Note: Percentages may not add up to 100 percent due to rounding
Note: Respondents were presented with choices and their total of sources used needed to add up to 100 percent
Source: Harris Interactive
"What do you think your sources for news and information will be five years from now?"
Base: All EU adults in five countries, U.S. adults and Australian adults
United States Great Britain France Italy Spain Germany Australia % % % % % % % Online news and information sites 26 26 26 39 28 23 30 TV Network News 22 33 24 22 17 26 30 Cable network news 15 4 11 8 10 6 5 Radio 11 14 16 9 15 17 13 Major Daily Newspapers 10 4 5 4 10 12 10 Local community newspapers 6 3 2 4 2 3 4 Magazines 3 2 4 4 3 4 2 National Daily Newspapers 3 11 6 8 12 5 4 School & work newsletters 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Other sources 4 3 5 2 2 3 2 Note: Percentages may not add up to 100 percent due to rounding
Note: Respondents were presented with choices and their total of sources used needed to add up to 100 percent
Source: Harris Interactive
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