Panasonic Releases Software Upgrade For Kairos Production Platform

Panasonic Kairos Core 1000
(Image credit: Panasonic)

NEWARK—Panasonic has released Kairos v1.3.2 system software with several new features and functions, including access to RossTalk protocol integration.

The free upgrade integrates the RossTalk protocol via AT-SFE01 RossTalk activation key (with an MSRP of $3,300), enabling control of Ross XPression real-time graphics software directly from the Kairos platform, Panasonic said.

“With the release of this software upgrade and integration of the popular RossTalk protocol, Panasonic is demonstrating our customer-focused commitment to expand Kairos’ already broad range of functionality,” said Kairos group manager Brad Rochon. “Kairos is the ideal solution for broadcast and media professionals looking to move beyond the constraints of legacy systems, to a next-generation IT/IP-centric platform that focuses on delivering modern tools and interfaces for unlimited production creativity, regardless of format or content destination.”

The upgrade also gives Kairos users greater visibility over their production network, additional access to system log data and added redundancy capabilities for enhanced control and system integrity, Panasonic said.

It offers two new redundancy functions, including Kairos Core redundancy management for mainframe backups and SMPTE ST-2022-7 redundancy for networks (KC1000 only) to support complex, fast-paced productions. With the upgrade operators have increased access to system and operational log data, so they can easily monitor the status of the network and quickly resolve any issues, it said.

Kairos uses a server-class CPU/GPU architecture that eliminates the restrictions of legacy FPGA/firmware systems and enables live video processing and switching, regardless of resolution and format, while natively supporting the transition to live IP and cloud workflows with simultaneous SDI, ST 2110 and streaming support, the company said.

The software upgrade is available online as is more information on the product.

Phil Kurz

Phil Kurz is a contributing editor to TV Tech. He has written about TV and video technology for more than 30 years and served as editor of three leading industry magazines. He earned a Bachelor of Journalism and a Master’s Degree in Journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism.