Pharos Mediator 4 eases content management deployment

The Pharos Mediator 4 platform now enables content management to be rolled out in easy stages. A new range of Mediator 4 “Task Packs” cover specific roles in each area of operations from ingest to playout. Operations covered include library, ingest, QC, promotions, compliance, approvals, playout and new media. Each Task Pack presents a sequential set of tasks that enables operators to manage their workload as efficiently as possible. Every Task Pack is an enterprise license for a specific area of operations and can be used concurrently by any number of Mediator users.

Mediator 4's secure and efficient workflow aligns users, roles and tasks in all areas of operations. Every Mediator user has desktop browse and search tools where required. Mediator 4 also provides an audit trail of actions and workflow states while managing all underlying file transfers and third-party infrastructure systems, such as routing, storage and transcode subsystems.

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