Pixel Power Partners With Digimetrics for File-Based QC

AMSTERDAM— Pixel Power completed an agreement with Digimetrics for integrating the Aurora file-based quality control system into Gallium content management and playout workflows from Pixel Power.

Pixel Power developed Gallium as the workflow engine for its ChannelMaster playout automation, and its Pixel Factory file based media assembly solution. In a file-based environment content may come to the Gallium environment from a number of sources, and increasingly there is a demand for quality control at this stage, to ensure a seamless and standardized output.

The Digimetrics Aurora platform tackles all four critical QC areas: Metadata gatekeeping; visual and audible limits and artefacts (including loudness); detecting editing problems; and testing for broadcast and distribution constraints. The latest version, Aurora 5, performs all these tests in a 64-bit environment on standard IT servers. Each instance of the Aurora software runs in a defined number of cores, allowing for multiple pieces of content to be tested at the same time without impacting overall performance and delivering results predictably.