Prime Focus Technologies leverages DIVArchive for content management and storage

Prime Focus Technologies (PFT), one of the largest visual entertainment services companies in the world, is providing distributed video storage and archiving services for its clients with the DIVArchive system from Front Porch Digital. PFT is now using the technology distributed at three separate locations, two in Mumbai, India, and one in Los Angeles.

At PFT, DIVArchive was implemented this year and works under the direction of a hosted digital asset management platform, CLEAR, to move digitized media files from nearline to long-term archiving and storage. Content ingested into the PFT digital system, either tape or live feed, immediately comes under management by CLEAR, which tags it with appropriate metadata and creates proxy copies for browsing. The content may then be transcoded for Web streaming or post-production manipulation and transferred to storage either on nearline tape, in a long-term tape library or on disk.

DIVArchive enables automation of transfer functions and allows retrieval either manually or automatically according to customized rules based on the identification of the clip. Relying on DIVArchive, PFT technicians in three locations can share, transfer and restore content files almost instantly, regardless of where the files are physically located in the system. The DIVArchive’s open API has enabled it to be seamlessly integrated with the PFT CLEAR platform.