Real-World Benefits of 240 Hz Debated
While the option of 120 Hz for HD sets may be the latest to promise better displays of sports and other action scenes compared to the more typical 60 Hz, now comes 240 Hz—which likely be added to some higher-end HD units in 2009.
But like the debate regarding 120 Hz vs. 60 Hz, whether 240 Hz will make a “noticeable” difference (quite literally) to the typical customer is arguable. While inclusion of 120 Hz typically adds a couple of hundred bucks to most HD sets, it’s expected that the new add-on of 240 Hz will do the same.
While some CE makers like Sony are predicting that 240 Hz will soon become a ubiquitous quality of all HD products, as it says 120 Hz has already become (a debatable point, to date) some analysts voice skepticism that most viewers will never discern the differences of 240 Hz and 120 Hz (and likely will never see a side-by-side comparison to make it a bit less difficult.)
Other industry observers have chimed in and said the obvious benefits of 240 Hz have yet to be proven, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Sony soon plans to offer its first 240Hz models with price points of about $4,200 (without mentioning screen sizes). That’s more than twice as expensive as Sony’s current 120 Hz units, and more than three times steeper than many of its 60 Hz models.
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