RIST Forum Updates Main Profile Spec To Include IP Multicast Authentication

RIST Forum
(Image credit: RIST Forum)

The Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) Forum has added IP Multicast Authentication to the RIST Main Profile Specification (VSF TR-06-2).

The upcoming TR-06-2:2022 will have a mechanism to authenticate multiple receivers: the EAP SHA256-SRP6a Authentication Protocol, it said.

With the EAP SHA256-SRP6a protocol, RIST can be used to create a secure multicast content distribution system without locking users into a proprietary vendor system. The addition to the specification enables bi-directional authentication. It is based on use of the username/password model, which removes the need to generate and maintain complex SSL certificates. The protocol also enables a way to de-authorize receivers on the fly without disturbing the content, it said.

“Since its development, RIST has natively supported IP Multicast, enabling one-to-many transmission with reliable, low-latency delivery. With security a growing concern for broadcasters, authentication becomes even more crucial when transmitting content over a combination of network lines. The RIST Multicast Authentication system offers a free alternative to costly proprietary DRM systems and ensures that only authorized receivers are able to decrypt the multicast content,” said Ciro Noronha, president of the RIST Forum.

The EAP SHA256-SRP6a Authentication Protocol will be published as part of the 2022 update for both RIST Main Profile (VSF TR-06-2) and RIST Advanced Profile (VSF TR-06-3).

More information is available on the forum’s website.  

Phil Kurz

Phil Kurz is a contributing editor to TV Tech. He has written about TV and video technology for more than 30 years and served as editor of three leading industry magazines. He earned a Bachelor of Journalism and a Master’s Degree in Journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism.