Satellite Update

The FCC accepted an application from Intelsat to relocate Intelsat 706 from 53.0-degrees west longitude (WL) to 50.25-degrees east longitude (EL) and operate from that location in the C and Ku-bands. Intelsat plans to start the relocation in September/October 2004 and arrive at the new location in October/November 2004. Intelsat filed an application for modification its Intelsat 602 satellite to relocate it from 50.5-degrees EL to 157-degrees EL. Intelsat plans to start the move in October/November 2004 and have the satellite at 157-degrees EL in March/April 2005, where it will operate in inclined-orbit mode.

Iridium 2 GHz filed an application requesting an extension of milestones in its 2 GHz MSS satellite authorization until after the FCC acts on its pending modification application or a waiver of the milestone for commencing physical construction.

SES Americom requested modification of its license for Satcom C-3 to relocate and permanently reassign it to 79-degrees WL, following transfer of traffic from Satcom C-3 to AMC-11. AMC-11 will replace Satcom C-3 at 131-degrees WL. SES Americom seeks special temporary authority to test the Ku-band payload of AMC-16 at 82.1-degrees WL and the Ka-band payload of AMC-16 at 84.9-degrees WL for a period of up to 90 days following launch. AMC-16 is a dual Ku/Ka-band hybrid satellite that will replace the Ku-band payload of AMC-9 as well as serving as part of SES Americom's authorized Ka-band satellite system.

For additional information on the above applications, see FCC Report SAT-00241.

The FCC granted, with conditions, SES Americom's application to relocate its Satcom C-4 C-band satellite from 135-degrees WL to 85-degrees WL. The FCC also granted Telesat Canada's requested to include its Anik F2 satellite at 111.14-degrees WL on the Permitted Space Station List on a special and temporary basis. After traffic is transferred from Anik E2R to Anik F2 (expected in October 2004), Anik F2 will be moved to 111.1-degrees WL, the current location on the Permitted Space Station List. See FCC Report SAT-00242.

The FCC denied the application of NetSat 28 Company to extend or waive its construction completion and launch milestones for its Ka-band satellite system. The FCC Memorandum Opinion and Order said NetSat 28 "has not met the milestone conditions of its authorization and has not justified an extension or waiver of these milestones." The FCC announced the 95-degrees WL orbital location and the associated Ka-band frequencies that had been assigned to NetSat 28 are available for reassignment.

EchoStar filed an application to construct, launch and operate a geostationary satellite at 113-degrees WL in the 18.3-18.9 and 19.7-20.2 (space-to-Earth), and 28.35-28.6 and 29.25-30.0 (Earth-to-space) frequency bands to provide direct-to-home services, two-way broadband services, interactive services and HD content on a non-common-carrier basis. EchoStar asked for a limited waiver of the FCC rules to allow it additional time to submit information relating to specific TT&C frequencies and spacecraft design at a future date when the information becomes available. See FCC Report SAT-00240.

The FCC granted, with conditions, SES Americom's request to relocate its C/Ku-band AMC-9 satellite from 85-degrees WL to 83-degrees WL and operate it at that location in the C and Ku-bands after AMC-16 is launched and becomes operational. The FCC also granted, with conditions, SES Americom's applications to launch and operate the Ka/Ku-band AMC-16 satellite at 85-degrees WL. For additional technical information on AMC-16, including frequencies and antenna polarities, see FCC Report SAT-00239.