Satellite Update
DirecTV Enterprises LLC requested permission to relocate its DIRECTV 7S DBS satellite from 119.2 degrees west longitude (WL) to 119.05 degrees WL and modify its space station license to reflect the move. DirecTV said the proposed relocation would serve the public interest by improving signal reception for millions of DirecTV subscribers. No other aspect of the satellite's operation would change, according to the FCC Report SAT-00373 and the FCC IBFS.
Last week the FCC granted a request by PanAmSat to relocate C-band satellite GALAXY 9 from 90.9 degrees WL, where it served as an in-orbit spare, to 74.15 degrees WL, where C-band operation is authorized with +/-0.05 degree longitudinal station keeping. The FCC also granted several modification requests filed by ATCONTACT Communications LLC providing the exact in-band Ka-band frequencies that will be used for telemetry, tracking and control of satellites under licenses S2683, S2682, S2681 and S2680. Search the FCC IBFS for additional information on these licenses.
Loral Space and Communications surrendered its Ku-band authorization at 47 degrees WL. The 13.75-14.5 GHz (Earth-to-space) and the 11.45-12.26 GHz, 12.5-12.75 GHz and 10.95-11.2 GHz (space-to-Earth) frequencies previously assigned to Loral at 47 degrees WL are now available for reassignment. From FCC Report SAT-00372.
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