Scopus Brings DTV To Roanoke

Princeton, NJ--Scopus Network Technologies' CODICO technology is now up and running as part of a new headend system for Roanoke, VA--based Digital Broadcast Corporation (DBC), which supplies digital MMDS services through its subsidiary AirCable America. The combination of Scopus’ compression technology and DBC’s license to broadcast over the Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service (MMDS) frequency enables AirCable to bring digital television to subscribers in Roanoke and within a 50-mile radius of the city.
"The quality of the Scopus technology is incredible, and the resulting quality of our digital signal is so superior that it can make pictures on an analog screen look almost like HD television," said DBC chief operating officer Gary Nerlinger. "The combination of Scopus’ superior statistical multiplexing technology with our low-cost bandwidth yields a superior viewing experience for our subscribers."
DBC is using Scopus’ NMS-4000 Broadcast Head-End Network Management System for seamless monitoring and control of its compression system, which includes Scopus CODICO E-1000 professional encoders, CODICO IRD-2600 receivers, and CODICO RTM-3800 multiplexers operating in conjunction with a number of third-party products.
"Our digital wireless broadband model, enabled by Scopus equipment, has proved to be very successful," said Nerlinger. "It’s great to partner with Scopus to deliver television programming, video on demand, and Internet access to a base of 20,000 subscribers here in Roanoke."
Scopus Network Technologies