S.D. Public Broadcasting Selects XOR Media Storage
GREENVILLE, N.H.: XOR Media—formerly SeaChange Broadcast—said South Dakota Public Broadcasting has selected the Universal MediaLibrary for its production/near-line storage requirements. The UML is configured with 216TB of RAID 6-protected storage that supports simultaneous access to all files through both SAN (iSCSI clients) and NAS (FTP, CIFS, and NFS clients) without special gateways or reconfiguration.
The system will provide near-line storage for the station’s legacy SeaChange BMLex online play-to-air server; as well as production storage for six Final Cut Pro editors that will edit directly on the storage via iSCSI. On top of this, up to 50 NAS desktop clients will access the system for office-type file sharing activities.
XOR said the Universal MediaLibrary provides 10GigE and fiber connectivity and allows both vertical and horizontal scaling, allowing it to be scaled to a multiple-petabyte infrastructure.
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