Shotoku To Unveil SoftRail At IBC 2024

Shotoku new studio camera system
(Image credit: Shotoku)

AMSTERDAM—Shotoku Broadcast Systems will launch SoftRail that merges the path-following capabilities of a physical rail system with the freedom of a free-roaming pedestal at IBC 2024, Sept. 13-16, at the RAI Amsterdam Convention Center. 

SoftRail maximizes flexibility by opening up studio floor space to limitless software-defined paths while eliminating the restrictions of physical floor tracks on presenters, guests and other cameras, it said.

“For decades, high-end robotic camera systems have included free-roaming studio pedestals, such as Shotoku’s SmartPed. These powerful systems allow the camera to reposition anywhere within the studio floor space,” said Shotoku UK managing director James Eddershaw.

“Around 12 years ago however, rail camera systems that were built into the set began to appear in TV News studios. While these systems follow every arc and contour of a set beautifully, they seriously hinder future production design flexibility and new creativity. And that’s why we have developed SoftRail.”

The SoftRail feature for Shotoku’s TR-XT studio control system and SmartPed provides the key path-following benefit of a rail camera while avoiding any physical track or guide on the floor. Then, if following the path is no longer needed, simply turn off the SoftRail function and SmartPed returns to its traditional free-roaming pedestal mode with all the benefits freedom of movement brings, the company said.

Using the enhanced StudioView mode of Shotoku’s TR-XT, operators can design a soft rail to suit any live production. Once defined and enabled, Shotoku’s fully robotic SmartPed pedestal behaves as if it is physically mounted on rails, it said.

A simple XY joystick moves the SmartPed left or right along the rail path allowing the operator to focus on the other axes and maintain framing. Even stored shots will be recalled by following the rail’s path.  Because rails are defined in software only, they can take virtually any shape imaginable, even those that would be physically impossible to build, like looping back over itself without the need for a level crossing, it said.

For other parts of the production or when designers want a set change, the SoftRail mode can be disabled easily allowing the SmartPed to revert immediately to normal free-roaming behavior. Unlimited SoftRail paths can be stored and recalled and different SmartPeds can have separate (or the same) rails active, all easily managed from the new and enhanced StudioView page within the latest TR-XT control system.

See Shotoku Broadcast Systems at IBC 2024 Stand 12.F47.

More information is available on the company’s website.

Phil Kurz

Phil Kurz is a contributing editor to TV Tech. He has written about TV and video technology for more than 30 years and served as editor of three leading industry magazines. He earned a Bachelor of Journalism and a Master’s Degree in Journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism.