Sigma Electronics ADX Matrix digital router installed at MTV Latin America facility

Sigma Electronics recently installed its ADX routing system and alphanumeric control panels for the newly expanded Miami facilities of MTV Networks Latin America. Pictured l-r is Joe Fedele, president of the Fedele Group of Companies and Raul Gutierrez, senior manager of technical operations for MTV Networks Latin America.

Sigma Electronics recently installed its ADX routing system and alphanumeric control panels for the newly expanded Miami facilities of MTV Networks Latin America. This new installation will allow all post-production functions to be handled in-house. The ADX routing system will be the technological core of the new facility.

The installed ADX router is a five-layer system consisting of analog video, digital video, analog audio, digital audio and time code. The configuration allows for a single 6 RU frame system that can accommodate up to 64x64 operation, and is expandable to allow for a 128x128 matrix using a four-frame system.

Control of the router is gained through the Sigma line of alphanumeric control panels, which can include as many as 64 remote control panels per communications port on up to 2,000 feet of coaxial cable. SigMatriX software supplied by Sigma has a pre-programmed database for generic “out-of-the-box” operation, and also allows the facility to establish pre-designated setups.

The Fedele Group of Companies was the systems integrator for the MTV Networks Latin America facility.

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