Sony Employees Contribute $2.4 Million to Earthquake Aid

TOKYO: Around 40,000 Sony employees around the world have given around $2.4 million in assistance toward the relief efforts in Japan. The nation continues to suffer the aftermath of a violent 9 magnitude earthquake and tsunami on March 11. Sony, which has operations in the affected regions, launched its relief efforts two days later, donating $3.6 million to the Central Community Chest of Japan, and providing 30,000 radios, 500,000 batteries and 125 televisions for emergency use. Another 1,200 blankets were donated to shelters, and 400 DVDs are being distributed with children in mind.

Sony said that as of March 24, around 40,000 Sony employees from 40 countries had collectively contributed more than $2.4 million to the relief efforts. The program is still in progress.

Sony employees in Japan also are volunteering their time, the company said. A volunteer program at Sendai Technology Center, which was severely affected by the tsunami, was initiated by the facility’s soccer team, to work with children at various shelters established throughout the area. Others helped set up and continue to support a videoconferencing system for an NGO there. Sony is also sending company volunteers to assist with NGOs and local government groups.

“We are deeply committed to doing everything we can to support the people of Japan in this time of need,” said Sir Howard Stringer, chairman, CEO and president of Sony Corp. “With the support of the global community, I am confident that Japan will continue to navigate this very difficult time with determination, perseverance and success.”

On the consumer side, Sony set up a program allowing Japanese shoppers to donate their Sony and So-net points for the relief efforts. Donations can also be contributed through PlayStation Network accounts by PS3 users in North America, Europe, Japan and Asia. The Sony Bank is also accepting donations that will be contributed to the relief efforts in their entirety.

As of March 24, the total amount that has been donated by Sony Group companies and employees around the world is approximately $12.2 million, including the value of products donated. Sony’s relief site is at