Sony Sinks Nearly $1 Billion Into HDR-Capable Stacked CMOS Sensors

TOKYO: Sony is planning to invest 80 billion yen—around $994 million—to step up production of stacked CMOS image sensors. The corporate parent wants the Nagasaki Technology Center to crank out as many as 60,000 wafers a month by the end of September 2013.

engadget notes that stacked CMOS sensors render devices capable of capturing high-dynamic range video.

“In light of the rapidly expanding demand for smartphones and tablets, Sony plans to continue to solidify its leading global position in CMOS image sensors by strengthening its production capabilities for stacked CMOS image sensors, which provide greater performance in a more compact form,” the company said. “Furthermore, Sony intends to accelerate its growth strategy by incorporating superior core technologies, including stacked CMOS image sensors, into a wide range of products for its digital imaging and mobile businesses, which are priorities within its electronics business.”

Sony will start pumping money into the project this fall. In addition, the company will utilize a governmental subsidy provided by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japan.