TechniSat to show 3-D DVB-PC reception products

TechniSat Digital is launching two new PC products for the transmission of 3-D content: the SkyStar USB HD and the SkyStar 2 eXpress HD. Both products are designed for the reception of free-to-air satellite SD and HD programs for viewing, recording and editing on a PC.

Supplied with DVBViewer TE2, the SkyStar products can be used to view a variety of 3-D services, such as the Astra 3-D promo channel on Astra 23.5 degrees east. A plug-in for DVBViewer TE2 processes the 3-D transmission and presents 3-D video that can be experienced using red/cyan anaglyph glasses.

See TechniSat Digital at IBC Stand 1.A44.