Telestream supports BitCentral digital news delivery

Telestream's FlipFactory product now supports BitCentral's MediaPipe News delivery service. The two companies have successfully tested the integration to ensure compatibility between MPEG files delivered by BitCentral and Telestream's FlipFactory automation products.

The combined solution provides broadcasters with a fully automated all-digital newsflow, from receipt of BitCentral-delivered news content to reformatting and delivery to newsroom systems. BitCentral, headquartered in Irvine, Calif., provides news distribution to all of the NBC and CBS affiliate stations.

Combining BitCentral’s MediaPipe software and MediaServer hardware with FlipFactory “takes us one step closer to our ultimate goal,” said Fred Fourcher, President and CEO of BitCentral, “… to create an end-to-end digital workflow in the network news centers.”

For more information visit Telestream and BitCentral.

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