Television Suisse Romande selects NETIA's U-Share

Television Suisse Romande (TSR) will use NETIA’s U-Share network management system for its EQUIPRO project to control the distribution of files over its internal network. TSR's production and post-production departments rely on three different server platforms, and the customized U-Share solution will enable efficient transfer of live video and file-based content between these platforms, eliminating network bottlenecks even as TSR increases the volume of internal program production.

Over the course of content acquisition, production and post-production at TSR, video moves between server platforms from EVS, Avid and SeaChange. The transfer of media among these three server islands requires significant bandwidth on TSR's IP-based local area network (LAN), and so the company turned to NETIA's U-Share system to optimize the exchange of video and audio content through autonomous and automatic management of its transport network. For each transfer request in a given time slot, U-Share offers the best solution considering network congestion, thus considerably reducing the impact of transfers on other critical operations.