Tennis Channel Chooses Broadway Systems to Manage Ad Sales, Traffic

GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. –Tennis Channel is now using Broadway System’s software platform to manage ad sales, traffic and programming at its headquarters in Santa Monica, Calif., for Tennis Channel, as well as Mnet America, a U.S.-based network that features Asian pop culture entertainment.

Tennis Channel is using Broadway’s traffic and finance, sales planning and proposal and program management software modules.

“It is the most complete end-to-end broadcast management system integrating ad sales deal management, traffic, master control interface, automatic log reconciliation and ad sales invoicing and A/R,” said Dean Hadaegh, senior vice president of technical operations and chief technology officer of Tennis Channel, who added that the system faciliates interdepartmental operations.

“Our platform was engineered to manage all advertising business, from sales to collection, with a single database for more efficient performance,” said John Sorensen, president of Broadway Systems.