Tightrope Creating Replays for Northwestern Athletics

ST. PAUL, MINN.—Whether it be a earth shattering slam dunk or a game-winning touchdown, Northwestern University has decided to go with Tightrope Media Systems ZEPLAY instant replay system in an effort to capture all the highlights from the school’s athletic teams.

Northwestern’s Broadcast Operations department is responsible for creating HD highlights and other video messages during games through the new HD control room that connects with the Ryan Field football stadium and Welsh-Ryan Arena. With the installation of ZEPLAY, the Broadcast Operations department is able to capture and send signals to the appropriate location via a switching feature. ZEPLAY features eight feeds—four input and four output—independent control of every outputs channel, and a built-in multiviewer to monitor all angles. The system also allows video to be quickly added to the department website.

Tightrope Media Systems is a digital signage and broadcast automation systems provider based in St. Paul, Minn.