TV Azteca relies on Miranda HDV, HD-SDI interfacing for World Cup

TV Azteca is using Miranda Technologies' HDV and HD-SDI interfacing for its 2006 FIFA World Cup soccer broadcasts in HD to its viewers across Mexico.

The Miranda equipment includes 20 HD-Bridge Dec+ HDV to HD-SDI interfaces, XVP-811i up-, down- and crossconverters, Densité embedders, de-embedders and frame synchronizers and picoLink miniature interfaces.

The gear has been installed in the network's production and distribution center at the World Cup International Broadcast Center in Munich. After the event, it will be shipped back to the network's facilities in Mexico to support regular TV Azteca programming.

TV Azteca is capturing World Cup play with HDV cameras, and Miranda's HD-Bridge Dec+ provides high-quality conversion of HDV to HD-SDI to simplify recording, monitoring and on-air playout.

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