USC media technology director Wertheimer to discuss consumer content, device preferences

David Wertheimer, executive director of the Entertainment Technology Center at USC, will participate in an NAB2008 panel, Tuesday, April 15, that will explore new media opportunities resulting from the introduction of new consumer devices.

During the panel, “New Devices, New Opportunities,” Wertheimer will be among industry leaders discussing how people want their media and on what devices. The panel discussion will follow a keynote by Kevin Kahn, senior fellow and director of Intel’s communications technology lab. The panel will include industry executives from Sling Media, TiVo and World Now.

Wertheimer, an experienced speaker on digital content and consumer demand, will bring his experience with the next-generation consumer to the panel. Since joining the Entertainment Technology Center at USC in 2007 as executive director, he has led group discussions between ETC’s sponsors — the major entertainment studios and technology/CE giants — aimed at gaining insight into what consumers really want. These discussions have also focused on how companies can come together to achieve that goal.

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