Vizrt delivers cost-effective CG system

viz|trio supports real-time data feeds, enabling content to be updated while on-air, even when an animation is running.

Looking to simplify and reduce the cost of creating real-time 3-D graphic elements for live productions, New York City-based Vizrt, a provider of real-time 3-D graphics systems for TV, is now delivering viz|trio, its real-time 3-D character generator and graphics system.

With viz|trio’s “Look Ahead” transition logic, operators perform transitions between graphics automatically, using just one video output channel. When graphic elements are put on-air, stylish 3-D animations are triggered instantly, ensuring smooth and elegant transitions.

CNNi is using the systems for its character generation needs throughout its 24-hour news broadcast schedule, and CNN is now utilizing viz|trio for several programs. The BBC is employing viz|trio for the creation of real-time 3-D graphics for its flagship live sports programming throughout the weekends, as well as for its weekly live "Top of the Pops" entertainment show.

The viz|trio software works with standard, rack-mountable PC hardware and can be quickly and easily updated. Multiple viz|trio clients can prepare graphics without tying up the on-air graphics channel. For example, operators can work remotely from laptop computers and send any elements live to air when required.

viz|trio supports real-time data feeds, enabling content to be updated while on-air, even when an animation is running. According to the company, independent tests have shown that viz|trio is 40 seconds faster per rundown download or change received from a typical newsroom system – starting from initialization of rundown to on-air readiness, when compared to existing character generators.

Supporting dynamic content entry in an intuitive user interface, viz|trio includes advanced scroll edit features; scripting support; post rendering; clock control; front-, main- and back-layer support; and search functionality. Advanced multi-layer logic drastically reduces the number of pages necessary to composite graphical elements. viz|trio can import and animate Wavefront, 3D studio, Autocad, VRML 2.0 and Softimage 3D objects.

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