Vizrt Takes the Field for Super Bowl LI

BERGEN, NORWAY—The Super Bowl is sure to be covered from all angles, and Vizrt is ready to do its part, providing production tools for analysis and graphics.

Among the gear Vizrt has provided Fox Sports, who is producing this year’s Super Bowl, is the Viz Libero sports analysis system. Viz Libero is designed to facilitate play-by-play coverage by offering alternate angles, virtual fly throughs and analysis with telestration tied to the field.

 Fox will also employ the Viz Virtual Studio for use of select augmented reality (AR) graphics. Using tracking data from partner Skycam and optical tracking data from SMT, Viz Virtual Studio can place AR graphics on the field, like scoreboards, player lineups and statistic charts.

Vizrt will also provide equipment for the Fox Sports Super Bowl studio. The area features three separate operating sets and 14 LED screens, which will include graphics and video content produced by four dual channel Viz Engines. Viz Engine will also populate two touchscreens and one 50-foot Techno crane with AR capabilities.

In addition, Vizrt is expected to use its Viz Trio system to produce lower third graphics, full-screen graphics, real-time stats and interactive charts. Viz Trio will control graphics displayed on Viz Engines from mobile units during the live game and pre- and post-game shows.