Walden Promoted Within House GOP Leadership

WASHINGTON -- Oregon Republican Rep. Greg Walden says he will remain chairman of the House subcommittee that oversees communications and technology policy. That, as the former radio group owner is being promoted within the GOP leadership in Congress.

He will chair the National Republican Congressional Committee; elected to the post by House GOP members, the NRCC chairman works with House leadership to set the agenda of that body. The NRCC coordinates national efforts to elect Republicans to the House.

The 56-year-old had lobbied for the NRCC position.

In announcing his intention to remain as chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s subcommittee on Communications and Technology, Walden stated: “Since 1986, I have owned and managed a small business in Oregon with my wife. I know what it takes to grow jobs.” As NRCC chairman, he intends to help enact a “pro-jobs, pro-growth” agenda in the House.