Waters Chooses K-Tek Boom for ‘House Hunters’

VISTA, CALIF. —Grant Waters is the sound mixer on HGTV’s “House Hunters,” a reality show that follows a pair of home shoppers and a real estate agent into houses for sale. He says the production relies heavily on sound from his boom when the show is being mixed.

“They’re doing a two-camera show with one camera, and a lot of times they’re putting the audio stream on the camera, so we have just two channels for all the audio. I use the boom on most of the stuff on the right channel, and that’s the sound they use most of the time. A big challenge is when is the boom going to be used and not going to be used.”

Waters still has the first K-Tek boom he bought on Craigslist 10 years ago. He recently had it rebuilt by K-Tek.