Yamaha celebrates 20 years of digital desks

A 35-year veteran in the pro audio marketplace, Yamaha has announced the 20th anniversary of its entry into the digital mixing console market. More than 3000 of the firm’s PM series digital disks have been sold to date.

The strong acceptance of the Yamaha PM1D opened the door for midsize installations and sound companies to take advantage of the PM5D console. The PM5D uses PM5000 mic preamps, and because the consistent operating system is simple and reliable, users of other Yamaha digital consoles see the familiarity right away. The strong client commitment to the PM1D and PM5D has led to the popularity of the new M7CL, LS9, DM2000VCM and 02R96V2 digital consoles having many of the same features and available at lower prices.

With so many PM5Ds in the field, there were many requests from end users to allow for more inputs, so the company developed the Yamaha DSP5D and version 2 software for the PM5D to enhance the operability of the console. The DSP5D is a standalone unit that expands the capabilities of the console to 96 mono plus 16 stereo input channels; includes two additional card slots with more effects and dynamics processing; and can be used with a PC and Yamaha Studio Manager software.

For more information, visit www.yamahaca.com.