Young Broadcasting Gets Tight Ad Integration With Harris OSi Software

Harris Broadcast will provide its broadcast OSi sales, traffic and research software solutions suite to New York-based Young Broadcasting Inc, owner of 10 television stations and the national advertising firm Adam Young Inc.

Young Broadcasting will deploy OSi-Traffic and OSi-AdConnections, and extend Adam Young Inc.’s, use of RepLine software systems to integrate and manage advertising sales and inventory, from sales initiation at the firm through spot advertising delivery at the television station.

“After a comprehensive study we chose the Harris OSi suite of products because their vision of tight integration matches Young Broadcasting’s business goals,” said Peter Grazioli, VP of information technology and chief information officer at Young Broadcasting.

The integration of its traffic and sales databases provides Young Broadcasting greater forecasting and research capabilities, in-depth inventory knowledge, powerful competitive analysis tools and enhanced sales opportunities, the companies said. In addition, the ability of OSi-Traffic to accommodate new channels and advertising environments allows Young to view and track all advertising environments and their revenue potential across all of its stations and distribution channels.