Amino targets Internet television with AmiNET125i unveiling

IPTV platform supplier Amino unveiled the AmiNET125i, a flexible device that lets consumers browse and access video from the Internet on their television, in Amsterdam at IBC2006 this week

The AmiNET125i is a multi-codec unit, designed to deliver Windows Media 9 and MPEG-4 video streams to a TV. The product features a low-cost digital signal processor (DSP) supporting a range of widely used decoders.

The AmiNET125i also uses a powerful host processor to ensure the user experience is on a par with that of a PC-based Web portal. In anticipation of DRM issues, the AmiNET125i supports Microsoft Windows Media Digital Rights Management 10, which prevents the interception and piracy of digital content. The unit will also integrate an embedded HTML 4 browser providing JavaScript, allowing content to be resized to fit the larger TV screen.

Amino is partnering with IP-delivered video content provider Narrowstep to bring true Internet TV to the living room.

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