ATSC, SBE to hold joint loudness conference in Atlanta

The Advanced Television Systems Committee and the Society of Broadcast Engineers will conduct their 2012 audio loudness seminar in Atlanta, Nov. 13.

The event, hosted by Turner Broadcasting, will offer an in-depth tutorial on the ATSC A/85 Recommended Practice, review FCC loudness rules stemming from the Commercial Loudness Mitigation Act, and an examination of practical ways to comply with the new requirements, including loudness measurement and processing technology.

The day will include:

  • Background on loudness
  • Measurement and monitoring
  • Requirements for TV stations
  • Content creation considerations
  • MVPD requirements
  • Consumer experience
  • A panel discussion on CALM.

The seminar will last from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and will be held at Turner Broadcasting, 1000 Techwood Drive NW, Atlanta, CA, 30318. Registration information is available online.