Broadcast Microwave Services TCII Media Router offers IP transfer

Broadcast Microwave Services has unveiled the Truck-Coder II (TCII) Media Router system, which takes file transferring to a higher level.

Adding this new accessory to a BMS Truck-Coder II creates an IP link to the studio over microwave. This IP link allows the mobile unit operator to transfer media files to the studio while simultaneously transmitting a live report. The Media Router provides the ability to receive an edited field package at the station while live coverage of an event continues uninterrupted.

In the past, raw video footage had to be transmitted while talent was off the air and then edited at the station. In a digital era, new tapeless camera technology has given newscasters the ability to produce and edit stories in the field. The TCII Media Router allows these stories to be transmitted digitally to the station in the highest quality format possible.

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