Broadcast Technology offers the DTAD 3000 MPEG audio decoder

Broadcast Technology's DTAD 3000 multichannel MPEG audio decoder provides simultaneous decoding of up to four stereo channels from MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Layer 2 and 3 sources. Two different DVB-ASI input configurations (either dual-input or loopthrough) and two different output options (either quad analog stereo-pair outputs or quad AES/EBU) are available. The dual DVB-ASI interface enables the DTAD 3000 to be deployed in redundancy architectures alongside other Broadcast Technology 3000 series modules. A single-slot, hot-swappable unit, the DTAD 3000 can be controlled through DARTnet within the 3000-series modular rack or externally through RS-232.

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