Fox News NY adds more Lawo gear

Lawo North America recently installed one Nova73 HD router, one DALLIS frame and nine VisTool editor workstations for Fox News’ radio and TV network headquarters in New York. In addition, an existing self-op console was re-configured as a broadcast console. In the course of this upgrade, Lawo’s VisTool software was installed to enable visual monitoring of the studio outputs, the console’s broadcast feeds and outgoing satellite channels.

This work was a follow-up to Lawo’s previous installation at the facility, which included one self-op z4, three self-op zirkon consoles and one sound mixer’s zirkonXL for use as a master control desk. In its new configuration, an operator at the master workstation can now route sources and destinations for the editor workstations. Live recording feeds, sources and destinations for the central ISDN devices, transmission signals from the rest of the facility and the remote studios in Washington, D.C., can be also routed to other studios, editor workstations or the broadcast output.

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