Japan’s MMT installs Solid State Logic C100 digital console

Japanese broadcaster Miyagi Television Broadcasting (MMT) has installed a Solid State Logic C100 digital production console to tie in with its recent transition to terrestrial digital broadcasting. The company’s new SSL C100 console was installed in its U-Sub control room in time for the switchover to terrestrial digital broadcasting last December.

The mixing desk is being used for HD productions and has already been put to use on a number of projects including a J2 League football match, which was among the first HD picture and 5.1 surround sound broadcasts in Northeast Japan by private broadcasters. The C100 is also being used on a daily basis to produce MMT’s live magazine program "OH! Bandesu," which is broadcast in HD and 5.1 surround. The 5.1 and stereo mixes for the program are accommodated simultaneously on the C100.

Established in 1970, MMT was one of the first broadcasters in Japan to adopt a networked nonlinear editing system. In recent months, the broadcaster has begun transmission of HD pictures and six-channel surround sound audio via a fiber network without the need for compression. According to MMT’s technical director, the decision to purchase the SSL C100 was based on a combination of audio quality, ease of operation and on-board redundancy.

For more information, visit www.solid-state-logic.com/broadcast/c100.html.

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