Omneon SPECTRUM provides centralcasting playout for CBC/Radio-Canada

An Omneon SPECTRUM server provides ingest and playout for 13 la Télévision de Radio-Canada centralcast channels.

Omneon Video Networks provided la Télévision de Radio-Canada, the French-language broadcast network of CBC/Radio-Canada, with its Omneon SPECTRUM media server system.

The SPECTRUM is being use to ingest program, commercial, and promotional material for broadcasts distributed across Canada.

The server supports the network’s French-language television centralcasting operations, located at the Montreal playout facility. The system supplies the necessary ingest and playout capabilities for the network’s centralcasting model for 13 different channels.

The server system ingests material through six ports and supplies la Télévision de Radio-Canada with 300 hours of storage. It operates under the control of Harris (formerly Encoda) automation and is equipped with a redundant N+1 channel configuration to ensure continuous playout.

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