Pinnacle expands edge graphics capabilities

Pinnacle Systems’ DekoCast automated broadcast graphics product family now includes several new features. Among the enhancements are a new WYSIWYG scene creation tool, a set of professional designed content packs; an D/SD-switchable DekoCast Hybrid model; version 4.0 of the DekoCast software; and improved integration with MediaStream play-to-air servers.

The DekoCast scene creation tool is designed to allow non-technical staff, such as marketing departments, to create ready-for-air edge graphics. These scenes can include animated graphics, video clips, audio clips and dynamically generated graphics and text.

The DekoCast Hybrid can generate and output either native HD or native SD real-time graphics, switching between the two with a software setting.

Expanded integration between DekoCast and MediaStream simplifies the edge graphics delivery process, removing the potential for mistakes and saving time. With this integration, pre-designed DekoCast graphics scenes can be automatically populated from metadata included in MediaStream video clips.

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