SBE, industry rally for hurricane relief

The Society of Broadcast Engineers has responded to the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, organizing resources and promoting offers from leading companies in the broadcast industry to assist stations in rebuilding and getting back on the air.

From the SBE Web site, broadcasters requiring emergency assistance to get back on the air will find offers or links to offers from Orban/Circuit Research Labs, Signasys and Harris.

Offers of assistance include:

  • Orban is “standing by with emergency service, parts, loaner equipment, and technical assistance, some at no charge to the stations in greatest need.”
  • SignaSys will provide “non-profit help to stations needing equipment, parts and repair service.”
  • Harris is providing “pre-made shelters with transmitters and all equipment pre-wired and ship to customer's site on a flat bed.”

Additionally, the society is advising members in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama who have sustained a personal loss to contact the SBE to plug into a network of members throughout the nation to receive assistance. E-mail to this address.

Separately, the National Association of Broadcasters has set up a Web site for broadcasters affected by the hurricane. To read more, click: “NAB launches Web site to help broadcasters in Katrina relief efforts.”

For more information, visit

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