SBE Toolbox software to make frequency coordination easier

The Society of Broadcast Engineers has developed the SBE Toolbox, a new software tool for local, regional and event frequency coordinators.

Free to SBE and affiliated frequency coordinators, the software uses a runtime version of Filemaker Pro so no additional software is required.

SBE Toolbox, released at the association’s annual meeting of SBE frequency coordinators during NAB2005, allows a user to import records used in SBE’s previous DOS-based software. It automatically calculates distance and bearing from latitude and longitude, has automatic e-mail and letter writing features, and a built-in wireless mic and IFB tables. SBE Toolbox can be used for regular day-to-day local coordination as well as event coordination purposes.

SBE National Football League Game Day coordinators also received a copy during the NAB convention.

Any qualified frequency coordinator who was not able to attend the meetings in Las Vegas may contact the SBE National Office for a copy.

For more information, visit

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