Sencore delivers HEVC analysis capabilities with CMA 1820

Sencore delivers new HEVC analysis capabilities in its Compressed Media Analyzer CMA 1820. The CMA 1820 is a tool for in-depth analysis of compressed media transport streams. Customers can see a live demonstration of the new HEVC analysis functionality at the SCTE Cable-Tec Expo in Atlanta in October.

The Sencore CMA 1820 enables designers, engineers, system integrators and network operators to quickly and easily verify standards compliance, identify media interoperability issues, develop products around new CODECs and troubleshoot transmission issues. With full support for HEVC/H.265, H.264, MPEG-2 and VC-1 video along with AC-3, AAC and MPEG audio, the CMA 1820 is well-suited for use with all contemporary broadcast equipment. Enhanced options such as closed caption subtitle, SCTE35-DPI and PTS/DTS alignment analysis can provide even more benefit to the demanding user.